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In this Article, you will get list some of the best WordPress performance plugins:

This plugin is probably the most intuitively simple plugin on this list.

wp rocket 1

1. WP Rocket

Here’s a quick look at a handful of the features you’ll find inside:

2. WP Smush Pro

wp smush pro

The free version of the plugin* is packed with features as below:

The premium version of the plugin* gives you access to some seriously advanced features like:

3. Perfmatters

Perfmatters is equipped with features like:

4. WP Fastest Cache

wp fastest cache
It’s packed with features like :

5. W3 Total Cache

w3 total cache
It’s packed with features like:

6. WP Super Minify

wp super minify

Essentially, it combines and minifies your CSS and Javascript files. this will be a great way to reduce its overall size.

8. WP-Sweep

wp sweep
You’ll be able to delete information like:

8. a3 Lazy Load

a3 lazy load
This lazy load plugin is highly versatile and applies to many different content types, including:

This plugin is available entirely for free from the WordPress plugin library.